Thursday, December 10, 2009

Film lesson - " Mountains of the moon"

Two english explorers traveled down the middle of africa where no white men have traveled before. Searching on their expedition the source of the nile river. They traveled with african men to for their search but unfortunately men died from malaria and many other mosquitoes diseases. One of the men ended up killing him self due to that him and his partner didn't agree on their stance of finding their source. They traveled for seven months with their men and reached many villages they had to offer gifts for to the king, and many men left upon the nights robbing their materials and gave up. A lot of them died from starvation and diseases from infected waters from thirst. They named the source of the nile river Lake Victoria which is ironic since its an british queen name put onto an african territory. Europe conquered Africa's men in their industrial advancement from time to time and most Africans had never even witnessed a gun before. So, it was an easy conquer for the europeans.

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