Friday, December 18, 2009

Opium Wars- Imperialism in China

This war was one of the very first drug wars and took place in china. Known as the Opium War it is also known for the Algo- chinese war. The drug was produced and shipped in from the East indies to china by the British. It got the chinese addicted to this drug in the early 1800s. When opium was first introduced to china, it was used for diseases like dysentery, cholera, and also diarrhea. The british during the 1700 discovered that opium could be mixed with tobacco to be smoked. During the 1800s chinese green tea became very popular and high in demand from the western countries. When chinese gorvernment realized that the british merchants were selling the opium drug was being sold to the chinese. Until 1838 the opium drug was restricted from trade , The emperor wrote a letter to Queen Victoria asking why it was illegal in their country but selling china such harmful drugs. The letter unfortunately was never delivered directly to the Queen. Since the chinese warriors thought that the queen never acknowledged the letter than it the warriors thought that it challenged them. Chinese officials destroyed the opium drug and banned english man from china. China was unaware of the british attacking, China was unaware of the attack and their advanced technologies and China was very behind when it came to their weapons. China was as a result defeated by Great Britain and forced to sign a treaty.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Film lesson - " Mountains of the moon"

Two english explorers traveled down the middle of africa where no white men have traveled before. Searching on their expedition the source of the nile river. They traveled with african men to for their search but unfortunately men died from malaria and many other mosquitoes diseases. One of the men ended up killing him self due to that him and his partner didn't agree on their stance of finding their source. They traveled for seven months with their men and reached many villages they had to offer gifts for to the king, and many men left upon the nights robbing their materials and gave up. A lot of them died from starvation and diseases from infected waters from thirst. They named the source of the nile river Lake Victoria which is ironic since its an british queen name put onto an african territory. Europe conquered Africa's men in their industrial advancement from time to time and most Africans had never even witnessed a gun before. So, it was an easy conquer for the europeans.

Film lesson - "Gandhi"

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Imperialism project

I think we were assigned the imperialism project to understand how things are traded and where they are. Most of the students have no clue of where there natural sources come from: like spices, gold, and silver. I learned that many things were imported from Africa, and especially the need for slaves. I also learned that many of European countries dominated other foreign countries that were unknown during that time.