Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Evolution Vs. Creation

50% believe

-we were made of organisms
-humans evolved
-Charles Darwin

Evolution is a different system of belief, there's creationism and evolution which the majority of the 50% are scientists or nonreligious people. Evolution is a sought after theory that hasn't been really established. The theory specifies that us humans go through a set of stages as organisms, to fish, to primates, and to the stage we are now as humans. There is not much proof explaining the beginning of this belief or how it happened but, they do have controversies trying to out explain the creationism which brings a lot of doubt to us humans and that is why we make it our choice to believe. Charles Darwin was a teacher who taught students about evolution and had a theory and studied it but got arrested because at the time it was illegal to teach about evolution. He concluded on going to court and defending his trial.

I think this theory makes more sense and ive grown up in the religious belief. I think the protestants make their religious beliefs more religious because the catholics dont have that much education in the bible.


50% believe

- God created the world
-the bible --> old testament
- Adam and Eve

Creationism is another 50 % belief us humans have. Mostly priests, Catholics, and Christians that are part of this 50% belief we share. It is mostly a culture we have grown larger with, believing the bible and that god created the world. We believe that the history we have and our teachings in church or the bible are mostly from god. There's many reasons why evolution and creationism is a dispute on a regular bases. Scientists don't have proof evolution exists and us religious people don't have a specific proof that Jesus ever existed.

Evolution is only a theory i dont think its pretty accurate . They have many different theories and creationism has been around for many years and evolution was created years after that and i think creationism has been around for a reason it wasnt just made up.

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