Friday, September 18, 2009

Copernicus and the trial of Galileo

There were many theories of the solar system but were focusing on the heliocentric and the geocentric. The heliocentric theory is a theory arguing that the sun is the middle body of the solar system and everything else revolves around the sun. The theory came from a Greek philosopher explaining that the world was a sphere from observing the eclipse of the moon and that the earths shadow is always round.

The geocentric theory is that the earth is in the middle and everything revolved around the earth which in the other hand the heliocentric theory believes that the sun was the center of the universe. Aristarchus of Samos tried to measure the sun in units by measuring up the size of the moon. Instead he used the distance of time to calculate the sun's distance from the earth. The moon was calculated about 1/4 of the earth and the sun.

He concluded that the sun was way larger than the earth and thought it was reasonable that the earth in fact did revolve around the sun. Giving proof to the heliocentric theoy, which was that the sun was being revolved by everything and it was the the middle of the universe. The theory that came out of scientific revolution was heliocentric theory.I believe the heliocentric theory is more accurate because they had proof that the sun was in fact bigger than the earth and it was the center of the universe.

Galileo an Italian teacher teaching his students about evolution and got arrested for it. He gained many enemies for this belief. Especially where he lived in the the bible belt which meant the southern part which Galileo lived in was very religious. This trial was a fascinating trial because it showed two parts of two different ways from the same belief of men and one in particular grew out of his religious belief. At the age of 22 Galileo had invented the hydrostatic balance. He was known as the father of physics. They believe his motto he followed was " Follow knowledge wherever it leads you". His invention of the telescope gave proof to the Copernican system. His belief in the Copernican system was "four moons orbiting around Jupiter like a miniature planetary system". He began giving lectures of his observations and theories. Galileo thought he would have many followers because of his proof and his invention of the telescope.

He began to notice that the Copernican theory had its enemies. This trial was taken many days for its decision, he was sentenced guilty and was read this in the court....

"And, so that you will be more cautious in future, and an example for others to abstain from delinquencies of this sort, we order that the book Dialogue of Galileo Galilei be prohibited by public edict. We condemn you to formal imprisonment in this Holy Office at our pleasure.Add Video

As a salutary penance we impose on you to recite the seven penitential psalms once a week for the next three years. And we reserve to ourselves the power of moderating, commuting, or taking off, the whole or part of the said penalties and penances.

This we say, pronounce, sentence, declare, order and reserve by this or any other better manner or form that we reasonably can or shall think of. So we the undersigned Cardinals pronounce." Galileo was very disappointing in all his hard work and solid proof. As of me i do not believe evolution but everyone has in their will to believe whatever they please.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Scientific Revolution

Scientific Revolution was an important era during the 1500s because all scientists tried to make new ideas and theorys for a remmemberance in history. Scientific Revolution is a period of many advances and Galileo was a very popular italian Astronomer and Physicist from those times who gave pretty much Aristotle a hard time for his theory's and always tried to make it accurate.

This great scientist Aristotle had a theory that heavier things fall faster on the ground than lighter things would. Galileo went to the tower of pisa in italy and studied this theory even though Aristotle had many years making it a prooven and right theory. Galileo went to the tower and dropped a bowling ball and a baseball and measured up the time the got to the ground and he discovered that the theory was in fact not true.

Turned out to tbe a blunder to the poor people that believed him and for Aristotle.There were many philosophers and scientist during this time with many theories during roughly around middle ages known as the renaissance times. Renaissance also means a dark age where nothing was really developed and the scientist had a greater chance to become remmembered.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Evolution Vs. Creation

50% believe

-we were made of organisms
-humans evolved
-Charles Darwin

Evolution is a different system of belief, there's creationism and evolution which the majority of the 50% are scientists or nonreligious people. Evolution is a sought after theory that hasn't been really established. The theory specifies that us humans go through a set of stages as organisms, to fish, to primates, and to the stage we are now as humans. There is not much proof explaining the beginning of this belief or how it happened but, they do have controversies trying to out explain the creationism which brings a lot of doubt to us humans and that is why we make it our choice to believe. Charles Darwin was a teacher who taught students about evolution and had a theory and studied it but got arrested because at the time it was illegal to teach about evolution. He concluded on going to court and defending his trial.

I think this theory makes more sense and ive grown up in the religious belief. I think the protestants make their religious beliefs more religious because the catholics dont have that much education in the bible.


50% believe

- God created the world
-the bible --> old testament
- Adam and Eve

Creationism is another 50 % belief us humans have. Mostly priests, Catholics, and Christians that are part of this 50% belief we share. It is mostly a culture we have grown larger with, believing the bible and that god created the world. We believe that the history we have and our teachings in church or the bible are mostly from god. There's many reasons why evolution and creationism is a dispute on a regular bases. Scientists don't have proof evolution exists and us religious people don't have a specific proof that Jesus ever existed.

Evolution is only a theory i dont think its pretty accurate . They have many different theories and creationism has been around for many years and evolution was created years after that and i think creationism has been around for a reason it wasnt just made up.