Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Russian Revolution

The febuary revolution was a revolution that Duma assumed control of the whole country. Which formed the Russian provisional government. The army leadership felt that they didnt have the means to supress the revolution. Czar Nicholas II of Russia, the last Nicholas of Russia was persecuted along with him and his family. The febuary revolution took place in many millitary setbacks. In the october revolution, Bolshevik led by Lenin and the workers Soviets overthrew the provisional government. The Russian wanted peace, land and bread from the communists out of the revolution but they had many negative affects from the revolution.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Causes of WWI

There were many causes of world war I, many of the were due to throughout the year and the need crops or industrialization. It was based on nation leaders who aggressed over other countries for rights of their own. One of the causes were Nationalism, The principle was ignored for the peace in the congress of vienna. Another factor for the cause of world war I was imperialism. Great britain, Germany and France needed markets after having increased the manufacturing from the industrialized work. Another cause was from the Bismark alliences which led Germany, Russia and Austria- Hungary into an allience. There were many things that caused many leaders to fight for their rights, which eventually led to World War I.